Using SEO for Healthcare Brands

Regardless of the industry you are targeting, SEO is an essential part of the marketing process. Whether you are looking to promote your brand on Google or social media, you will want to perform keyword research and implement it into your website and other channels. Already in 2023, we are seeing SEO trends and functions change as the year has progressed. The only way to continue ranking both locally and nationally is to always keep an eye on how the algorithm is adjusting and growing. Before you begin content planning for the rest of the year ahead, check out NewGen’s guide to healthcare SEO in 2023. 

NewGen Marketing is a modern marketing agency specializing in healthcare marketing. Our team of professionals understands that healthcare marketing must be approached from a specific angle. Therefore, we have developed a comprehensive marketing plan that allows our clients to reach their target audience through a collection of marketing channels. Although SEO is quickly becoming a popular marketing strategy, a small percentage of brands fully understand how to effectively use it. Continue reading to learn more about using SEO for healthcare in 2023. 

Ranking for Local and National SEO

Understanding the difference between these two entities is an essential step in ranking on Google and related search engines. General, or national, SEO refers to the overall performance of a website’s keyword usage. This will determine how the website ranks amongst other national brands. Many characteristics factor into determining how a website will rank nationally including the speed of the website, content quality, and mobile usability. Ultimately, you will want to ensure that your website offers a simplistic, optimized experience for visitors. 

When it comes to local SEO, however, you will want to approach it differently. One of the most prominent factors of ranking locally is having a developed Google My Business page, as well as NAP (name, address, phone number) citations, and a collection of reviews. Local ranking is also determined by the proximity of your business to the individual searching. Overall, when ranking for local SEO, you want to ensure that your location is present on your website and your Google My Business page. 

Healthcare SEO in 2023

Although all search engines have different algorithms, Google is the most used search engine in 2023, taking up over 90% of all searches worldwide. In addition to a well-functioning website, keyword usage continues to be an essential part of ranking this year. Implementing strong general and local keywords into your website pages is an excellent way to improve your ranking. To successfully do this, you must perform extensive keyword research. Many platforms allow you to do this, most notably the following are valued among marketing experts:

  • SEMrush
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • HubSpot

The overall goal of keyword research is to collect terms that your audience is frequently searching for. For example, if your practice wants to promote orthopedic surgery, you will want to push keyphrases such as “orthopedic surgeon near me” and “best orthopedic surgeon.” Although keyword research may seem complicated, you are ultimately trying to pinpoint the terms that you would use when searching for these services. The best way to locate successful keywords and phrases is to develop a list from keyword research and then continuously update and utilize it. 

Become a Trustworthy Source

Healthcare is a unique industry since it relates to the public’s health. Due to its significance, Google and other channels carefully promote the most trustworthy providers and brands. If you want your healthcare website to rank higher, it is very important to ensure your information is correct. Your overall goal should be to inform and educate the general public on significant health topics. This includes disclosing conflicting information about procedures and other general health conversations. 

Prioritize User Experience

When developing your healthcare website, you will want to prioritize overall functionality and simplicity. In addition to making your site easier to navigate for visitors, Google will take this into account in terms of ranking. Your website should be mobile-friendly and easy to sort through, and contact information should be readily available. Most importantly, your website must load quickly. Many individuals will click out of a website if it takes longer than three seconds to load, and Google considers this. Enlisting a website designer and developer can help your website rank significantly higher. 

Improve Your Healthcare SEO Strategy with NewGen

At NewGen Marketing, we understand the complex nature of marketing for healthcare. Therefore, we have developed a team of experts to effectively optimize all aspects of your marketing strategy. We offer various services, including call center services, content creation, website development, social media management, and more. Regardless of what your practice intends on improving, NewGen can help. Reach out to our team today for more information.